To provide a link between #LiveLent and #creationtide later this year, this space is provided for you to focus on God’s good creation. With the virtual RHS Chelsea just ending what better place to begin than at Psalm 23?
TO START - Begin with a short time of silence or by lighting a candle. If you have a smartphone or tablet you could follow the reflection in the garden or close to a window so that you can see outside. You will find all the links you need below.
The Lord's My Shepherd (Psalm 23) by Stuart Townend © 1996 Thankyou Music
MUSIC - The Lord’s my Shepherd (Stuart Townend).
Reflection - what does Psalm 23 mean? HERE
PRAY - God of hidden roots, God of deeper wells: how marvellous to see the blossoms, not just of this spring, but those of seeds planted years ago. Friends have rung and reconnected not just because there’s time, but because friendship and community are revalued in this economy. We give you thanks for experiences that were never isolated, but shared, and which have grown through intervening years to silently provide an ecosystem in which to live, fertile soil where we thrive. Amen. (Prayer from Corrymeela Community's 'Prayers for community in a time of pandemic' series.)
ACT - Sarah Eberle, chosen by the Bible Society to design its Psalm 23 garden at RHS Chelsea, listed four components for her garden: Meadow. Water. Stone. Seating. How many of these are a feature of your garden? Could you introduce any of them if they are missing from your garden?
We hope you have enjoyed this new Eco feature so do let us know and please send in a photo to Kate of the favourite part of your garden or of your favourite flower:
Explore further HERE