The Lychgate Appeal
The Lychgate
All Saints’, Minstead
Help us raise funds to repair this beautiful structure
The Lychgate at All Saints’, Minstead is in urgent need of repair
The massive oak base plates are rotting and must be replaced
In order to gain access for the work, the entire 3-4 ton structure must be jacked up and supported. The cost of the necessary scaffolding will be about 50% of the total amount. Specialist company Moulding of Salisbury, which repaired the Tower roof, has quoted £18,000 for the work. The Village Church Committee are looking for contributions towards this expenditure. Every donation will go towards preserving this beautiful approach to All Saints for future generations.
For further information on this appeal
Please contact Peter Bennett, the Hon.Treasurer. E-mail; and/or telephone 07940 838168. Alternatively, you can make a direct donation by bank transfer into the Restricted Fund under Name - All Saints Church, Sort code – 53-81-23, Account Number – 09823581. Please reference donations with your surname and, if you wish, advise Peter that you would like your donation to go towards Lychgate Fund only.